Goals Profits & Soul Business Show

5 Ways to Make Your Website Customer Friendly

Episode Summary

Is your website easy for your customers to use? Can they navigate the site easily and find what they need? Do you know what you want customers to do on your website? These are important questions to answer so your website visitors have an experience that is memorable for its content and not its frustrations. In this podcast you will learn the 5 Ways to Make Your Website Customer Friendly. Be sure to visit the website and blog for more timely and helpful business articles to help you start, manage, and grow your business at gpsbusinessacademy.com/

Episode Notes

A website is essential for today is the first exposure that a potential client or subscriber has to you and to your products and services. So you want their experience to be easy, memorable for its content and not its frustrations (people remember these things – let me share my Ruby Tuesday story), and you want them to return.

With so many websites on the internet, over 2 billion, there are many people who offer similar products and services and you want your visitors to stay on your website as long as possible.

The longer they stay on your website the more likely they are to buy (provided you have something to sell and they can find it).

Here are the 5 ways to make your website easy for customers to use:

Be intentional in the path you want to take them through your website and provide proper navigation with buttons, links, and clear explanations. Do not leave people hanging on a page and no way to go anywhere with either a top menu or a clickable link to take them back to the home page.
Note: be careful with re-direct links, those links that take your visitors away from your website. They won’t be able to get back and you may lose them – the internet is a big, busy place. Once they are re-directed to another site they are no longer on your website. Is that what you want them to do?

Give them clear options to purchase in the content. NEVER say ‘email me to schedule an appointment’. Have you looked at what happens when you click an email link? It opens a browser window and not an email address.
and use links and scheduling applications to get them to talk to you . If you offer free intro sessions, make them easy to set up. NEVER use email or phone to set up your appointments – waste of time and you will miss appointments. If they are on your website at 2AM and they want to purchase something or connect with you, they need the buttons, links, and tools to be able to do that.

Do not write too much content in descriptions, you can always write a short sentence and direct them to another page for more. And avoid too much navigation to get information or to purchase. They will get frustrated especially if they arrive at a dead end and cannot get back to your home page or another page on your website.

Be sure to include information about yourself, write a good ‘about you’ page. You would be surprised how many people read your bio. They want to get to know you. Make your bio focused on your story or how you got started in your business. Be sure to write your ‘hero’s journey’, no one wants to hear a sob story. Let your story be focused on the products and services you provide so you establish relevance and alignment with your audience. This inspires and encourages them to become paying customers.

Publish your prices – your visitors do not like to have to fill out forms and set an appointment with you (or a sales service) to talk about how great your program is, only to have sticker shock because you are much more than they can afford.
Price is important and you insult your site visitors if you say it isn’t.
How many of you own a Ferrari? That’s my point.
If you are so uncomfortable with your prices that you do not publish them, you should be charging much less.
As my grandmother said, “if you have to ask the price you cannot afford it.”

It is very important to ensure that visitors to your website don’t get confused and frustrated because they won’t be back and they will tell everyone about their terrible experience.

And if you are clear about how you want your website visitors to navigate your website and you make the process easy, clear, and intentional for them, they will spend time on your website, enjoy the content, become a repeat visitor, and refer you to their family and friends.
Get more tips, tools, and tactics to start, manage, and grow your business at gpsbusinessacademy.com/