Goals Profits & Soul Business Show

My Honest Bschool Review

Episode Summary

This is an honest Bschool review provided by someone who is not an affiliate and who took Bschool as a student. What I got from this experience is not what I expected and I wish there had been some unbiased reviews to offset the glowing reviews provided by BSchool affiliates. I share my experience of Bschool and what I think of this program as a student as an authority on business and technology who has been online since 2004 and who took the BSchool program because I thought I would learn some new marketing and social media techniques. That is not what I got as you'll hear in this week's Goals Profits and Soul Business podcast.

Episode Notes

I just made my final $239 payment for B-School and I could not be more relieved. Every month I have been dreading having to pay for the program that I haven’t accessed in months and that I have my regrets about signing up for. I tried the B-School experience because I wanted to learn some new marketing techniques and to see if I could improve my business processes. Since I have been online since early 2004, I have experienced a lot of changes in the online world. I was open to learning new strategies and applying some new procedures in my business. B-School is one of the most aggressively marketed online business programs and I was curious to see what it was all about. 

Although I thought the $2499 tuition price was very expensive, I thought that the marketing training alone would be helpful since Marie Forleo has access to some of the top internet marketers in the industry. 

I had read a lot of reviews about the program, all of them positive and glowing which made me somewhat suspicious. The old adage, ‘you can’t please everyone’ applies to all businesses and I wondered why I could not find a single negative B-School review. So I did a little digging and it seems that Marie and her team don’t like negative reviews. In fact, they have a clause in their terms and conditions, which you must agree to before signing up for B-School, which specifically prohibits you from posting critical reviews of the program. 

Really? Aside from violating the US  Constitutionally protected free speech, it also violates the Consumer Review Fairness Act which specifically empowers consumers to provide reviews of products they purchase, positive or negative, and also specifically prohibits sellers from limiting customers’ ability to review their products. 

So this B-School review is my lawful assessment of my B-School experience and is provided within the terms of the Consumer Review Fairness Act, as well as my expertise in the areas of business, economics, finance, technology, and law, which are all areas I have education, experience, and authority. Any attempt to intimidate, threaten, or harass me for this review will be responded to with civil and criminal prosecution.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at gpsbusinessacademy.com